24/25 Season Artist

Patricia Halverson

Patricia Halverson holds a doctoral degree in Early Music Performance Practice from Stanford University. She studied viol with Martha McGaughey while at Stanford, and following the completion of her D.M.A., continued her studies at the Koninklijk Conservatorium in The Hague. A native of Duluth, Minnesota, Patty is a founding member of Chatham Baroque. Recent collaborations outside of Chatham Baroque include concerts with Four Nations, The Rose Ensemble, Empire Viols, J. S. Bach’s Brandenburg Sixth Concerto with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra and Bach passion performances with Baldwin-Wallace University, the Buffalo Philharmonic and the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. Patty has taught recorder and viol at summer workshops including the Madison Early Music Festival, Early Music Mideast and the Viola da Gamba Society of America’s annual Conclave.

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