Julie Andrijeski


Julie Andrijeski, violin, is currently a full-time Lecturer in the Department of Music at Case Western Reserve University, where she teaches baroque violin, performance practice classes in music and dance, and directs the Case/CIM Baroque Orchestra and Chamber Ensembles. This year she was also Visiting Assistant Professor at the Oberlin Conservatory.  During the summer, Ms. Andrijeski holds faculty positions with the Baroque Performance Institute at the Oberlin Conservatory, the Madison Early Music Festival, and the Vancouver Early Music Festival.  She also frequently combines her skills as violinist, choreographer, and dancer for theatrical productions and music/dance workshops throughout the year.

In addition to her teaching, Ms. Andrijeski is an active performer.  Recent highlights include anniversary performances of Monteverdi’s Vespers (1610) in New York City and Washington, DC; appearances at the Early Music Festival in Bruges and Vancouver, B.C.; and a performance at Versailles with the Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra.  A former member of Chatham Baroque, she now holds principal positions with many ensembles and orchestras including New York State Baroque, Apollo’s Fire (founding member), Cecilia’s Circle, The King’s Noyse, and Quicksilver and will assume the Music Directorship of the Atlanta Baroque Orchestra this season.  Ms. Andrijeski began her D.M.A. studies in Cleveland at the Cleveland Institute of Music, where she studied with Linda Cerone before turning her focus to historical performance practice.  She holds a D.M.A. in Early Music from Case Western Reserve University, an M.M. in violin performance from Northwestern University and a B.M. in violin performance from the University of Denver. A native of Boise, Idaho, Ms. Andrijeski resides in Cleveland, Ohio. Her recordings can be found on Dorian Recordings (with Chatham Baroque), Centaur, and Musica Omnia.

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